ScaleDEV is broadening its horizons by expanding its customer service and offering training services to complement our existing services. ScaleDEV is now a registered training centre. Whatever your project, we will be able to provide you with follow-up and training support in order to master your new work tool as well as possible.
Whether you want to learn how to use an e-commerce site, a window site, our new custom Bluue solution or any other platform, we will provide you with our expertise.
Training organisation activity declaration number: 44100097510

Organisme référencé
par les OPCO
Decree no. 2015-790 of 30 June 2015 sets out the criteria that enable continuing vocational training funders to ensure the quality of training activities.
Dans ce contexte, un Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agréé (OPCO), ne prendra en charge une action de formation que si l’organisme de formation mandaté répond à 21 critères qualitatifs exigeants décrits dans le précédemment cité décret.
Nous sommes référencés sur Datadock. Cette base de données, consultée par les OPCO, leur permet de s’assurer que l’organisme mandaté pour une action de formation répond bien aux 21 critères qualité. Le cas échéant, cela leur permet d’enregistrer cet organisme dans leur catalogue des organismes de formation éligibles au financement des actions de formation.

How can you benefit from
our training courses?
There are several options available to you for financing your training with ScaleDev. First, you can consult your personal training account (CPF). This public funding scheme offers training to employees in the private and agricultural sectors as well as to job seekers. You can access your personal training account here.
Vous pouvez également bénéficier du financement par le biais d’un organisme paritaire collecteur agréé (OPCO) grâce à notre certification DataDock. Notez toutefois qu’il est impératif de bénéficier de l’accord de ce dernier avant de commencer la formation pour que celle-ci soit financée. Vous pouvez trouver la liste des OPCO pouvant financer les formations offertes par ScaleDev here.
ScaleDev can help you finance your training by providing you with a financing guide. Find it here.

Notre offre de formation sur mesure
You will benefit from professional training on the back and front office of WordPress, PrestaShop and our custom-made platform Bluue, among others. You can also be trained in RGPD compliance, a difficult task but necessary since May 2018. We also develop bespoke professional training courses to suit your own needs and skill levels.
We will of course adapt to your background and needs in order to create a tailor-made course, one that is made for you. You can learn how to improve the referencing of a site, acquire the basics of community management, gain an advanced understanding of the workings of online commerce... in short, become an outstanding webmaster.
Our trainers will set up concrete workshops adapted to both beginners and experienced users wishing to progress and go further. Whether you are an amateur e-merchant or a web marketing manager wishing to learn a new e-business solution, ScaleDev has the training course you need! It is possible to set up a distance learning course for people who cannot travel.
Example of formations available
Here you will find several examples of training courses we have already delivered. Some of them have been designed to meet the specific needs of our clients, while others are more general.